Bourse Life and Pensions Limited is a company in the Bourse Group and is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to operate as a long-term insurance company and to write bonds and unit-linked annuities. Further details of each of these products are set out below. If you have any further questions or which to make an enquiry, please contact

Executive Portfolio Bonds

Our Executive Portfolio Bonds allow non-UK residents to make highly personalised investments within a bond structure.

Executive Investment Bonds

The Executive Investment Bond is an investment bond-type product that is offered by Bourse Life to act as a vehicle through which individuals can make investments in listed securities and other regulated products. Policyholders are able to take advantage of the UK regime applicable to offshore bonds, in particular benefiting from ‘gross-roll up’ as no tax is levied on the income and gains of the underlying funds during the life time of the bond.

Managed Portfolio Bond

The Managed Portfolio Bond provides access for advisors regulated under the Insurance Distribution Directive to Bourse Life risk-rated managed portfolios.

Retirement Annuity Contract

The Bourse Retirement Annuity Contract is a contract based retirement annuity scheme approved by the Director of Income Tax in Guernsey in accordance with provisions of s175A of The Income Tax (Guernsey) Law, 1975, as amended.  The Scheme qualifies for UK purposes as a Qualifying non-UK pension scheme (QNUPS) as defined in section 271A IHTA 1984.



Bourse Life offers flexible, unit-linked annuities which allow the annuitant to determine the value and frequency of payments made to the annuitant whilst offering to the annuitant the stability provided by holding an annuity with a fully-licensed life insurance company. Bourse Life offers short-term, flexible, fixed-term and lifetime unit-linked annuities as well as annuities certain. Bourse Life is a Non-EEA annuity provide for the purposes of QROPS and IPP end of plan purchases. Where annuities are purchased by UK resident individuals from post-tax capital, purchased life annuity tax treatment will be available.

Policyholder Protection

As a fully-licensed insurance company, Bourse Life is obliged to comply with all applicable regulation issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission including the requirement for Bourse Life adhere to a Policy Protection Statement agreed with the GFSC. This includes an obligation on Bourse Life to maintain any assets that are subject to any policy issued by Bourse Life with an independent trustee company, Independent Fiduciary Services Limited. The assets held by the trustee can then only be released with the express written consent of the independent director of the independent trustee.

Public Disclosure Information

In compliance with the Insurance Business (Public Disclosure of Information) Rules, 2024 please see Additional Public Disclosure Information

Bourse 2017 Nom-Dom Solution

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